5 Ethics of Renting and Using Meeting Rooms

Renting meeting rooms in hotels to hold business meetings is on-demand, especially in big cities. This happened because of the unavailability of sufficient meeting rooms in an office, or in response to market needs for a place that can be used only in a matter of hours or days.

Well, if you are looking for the right location to make an appointment/meeting with clients, try to rent a meeting room at the Mercure Hotel Danang French Village Bana Hills.

Meeting room name Theater U-shaped room Meeting room Classroom Banquet hall Height Surface
FRANCOIS 100 28 36 60 60 3.5 m
– ft
94 m²
– sq. ft.
HENRI 90 24 30 50 60 3.5 m
– ft
90 m²
– sq. ft.
NAPOLÉON BALLROOM 500 75 50 230 350 4 m
10 ft
399 m²
– sq. ft.

Here are some ethics in renting a meeting room

1. Make a Room Reservation

Make a reservation at least one week in advance, so you have enough time to look for alternatives if the room you want is already reserved by someone else. Determine the date and how long you need it. Don’t forget to ask for complete information about what facilities you will get.

2. Cancel immediately if there are changes

Within one week anything can happen including canceling a reservation. If that happens, immediately inform the owner of the room so they can open the place for others. Some places may charge a cancellation fee.

3. Orderly Time

Calculation of the running time of a predetermined hour even if you arrive late, so come according to the time you set yourself. Likewise, if you want to add more time, talk to the receptionist at least 15 minutes before your rental time ends.

4. Don’t Use Other Rooms

Remember! You only book one room so even if the meeting participants exceed the existing capacity, it does not mean you are free to use another empty room. Even if you want to add space, talk to the receptionist first and complete the order process.

5. Keep the Room Clean and Facilities Inside

The room you use is public property, so keep it clean while you use it and afterward. Likewise with the facilities available such as projectors & screens. Use as necessary without giving it any damage.

Protect your name and team professionalism by adhering to the five ethics above.