The Last Word Home Upkeep Guidelines For Every Season

House & Home Improvement

The nurse is the latest winner of the UK property raffle Tramway Path which awards winners a £500,000 prize to purchase any property they select and she’ll pay no legal charges or stamp duty. “A tub is a bathtub. A Jacuzzi won’t ever make or break a sale,” says designer Steven D. Bullock. For fast touch-ups on current sinks, toilets, and tubs, think about hiring a surface-restoration company that recoats ceramic, porcelain, and fiberglass fixtures so they appear to be shiny new porcelain. “People know that renovating could be a nightmare, and potential patrons will recognize that you just did the dirty work for them,” says Vern Yip, a designer and former host of HGTV’s Deserving Design. “But stick with high-quality fixtures, like chrome steel appliances and granite counters, and don’t pair them with a much less expensive materials, like laminate.” Discover makes loans without regard to race, shade, faith, …

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